Showing posts with label mass migration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mass migration. Show all posts

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Death of A Nation: Canada, Mass Immigration and a Falling Birth Rate

Maxime Bernier, has served in Canada's government as Minister of state for small business, Minister of Foreign Affairs,  and Chair of the National Defense Select Committee. 

As founder and leader of  The People's Party of Canada, he seeks a reduction in Canada's immigration rate from the current flow of around 400,000 per year, which is equal to more than 1% of the existing population, to around 100,000 to 150,000. 

He argues that such reduction is necessary to safeguard Canada's complex cultural mosaic

To destroy one's own cultural heritage indeed seems monstrous. But there is another consequence of mass immigration that that seems even more monstrous.

With a fertility rate that fell below replacement in 1973, during Pierre Elliott Trudeau's first term as Prime Minister, and which has continued to fall in all but four years since 1973, mass immigration amounts to a program of population replacement.

Furthermore, the influx of migrants is the chief cause of Canada's continued low fertility rate.

Mass immigration drives:

    * competition for, and hence the cost of, housing;

    * demand for, and hence the cost in taxes of, infrastructure such as schools and hospitals;

    * competition for jobs, thus lowering wages.

By lowering incomes and raising the cost of buying a home, mass immigration thus delays family formation, which in turn, suppresses the fertility rate thereby keeping the historic Canadian nation on track for extinction. 

In brief: mass immigration = national genocide, cultural and racial, so vote Liberal if you support this policy. 


Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Argument for Mass Immigration:

Immigrants take the jobs natives don't want:
Nigerian, Billy Chemimir, accused serial killer healthcare worker tied to a THOUSAND unexplained deaths of elderly patients is indicted on additional murder charges.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

European Genocide for Globalist Hegemony

On one of the interminable wrangles about IQ over at the Unz Review, someone said:

Wizard of Oz: Greg Clark’s A Farewell to Alms: a Brief Economic History of the World provided convincing evidence that the poor in Britain for several hundred years were outbred by the literate, numerate children of the successful commercial and professional classes and, though not inheriting enough to stop them being, initially, downwardly mobile, they produced the industrial revolution.
To which I responded with a brief exposé of the treasonous conspiracy for Global Governance via genocide of the European nations:

Yes. That's more or less what Adam Smith said.

Unfortunately, the descendants of those who created the industrial revolution are too dumb, ignorant or corrupt to rectify today's clearly dysgenic breeding policy, which encourages welfare-based reproduction while providing every economic impediment to intelligent people achieving even a replacement fertility rate.

The Treason Class rules, which is to say that the object of population policy in Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand is to displace Europeans as the majority by suppressing their fertility and at the same time promoting mass immigration of people of alien race, religion and culture. Without racially and culturally defined nations, the sovereign, democratic nation state is no more. In its place will emerge administrative units — each a post-national state as the globalist puppet Justin Trudeau describes Canada, which are subordinate to institutions of global governance under the hidden hand of the Money Power.

The same plan operates in America, cf. : My Plan To Destroy America
So if you're a Euro, your kind are headed for the psychological equivalent of the Auschwitz gas chambers. Your fertility is under repression by every means from taxation to state propaganda in the name of sex "education," while the place of your posterity, the continuation of your national group and gene pool, is to be taken by the descendants of others. Your nation is headed the way of the Tasmanians, and if you object, you are as we pointed out before: A far-right-wing extremist, racist, anti-Semite against genocide of your own race and nation

Thursday, September 22, 2016

How the West destroys its own

Gin Lane, London by William Hogarth.

Originally posted March 12, 2012: Great cities have always consumed population. In times past, infectious diseases spread by rats and polluted water, respiratory diseases due to air pollution, and the absence of space to grow food to avert starvation during times of unemployment, all reduced the life expectancy and fertility of urban populations relative to that of country dwellers.

Today, cities are healthier places to live, but they still impose a severe restraint on human reproductive success due to the high cost of urban living, particularly the costs of housing and transportation.

Monday, January 25, 2016

BBC Goes Full Genocidal

A recent example of the BBC's large-type Web journalism entitled Donald Trump and the politics of paranoia, written by a member of the Chosen, one Michael Goldfarb, asserts:
One startling feature of the latest race to become the next president of the US - which begins in earnest with next week's Iowa caucuses - is the runaway success in the opinion polls of the outspoken billionaire, Donald Trump.
What's "startling" to the BBC about Donald Trump's popularity is that he's not just another presidential puppet of the New World Order project for the destruction of the democratic nation state, including not only Britain, but also the United States of America. 

Yeah, that is startling. The project for a global empire, ruled by a plutocratic elite, and served by a mongrel population brainwashed in the religion of Political Correctness that appeared to be going so well, seems now to be going edge ways. The Brits, and the Frogs have accepted their own demise as distinct racial and cultural entities. The Germans are being brought to the bidding of Angela, Treason, Merkel as they are compelled to commit national suicide by accepting an influx of millions of  strong, young Asian and Middle-Eastern males described euphemistically as "refugees," but for some reason Americans are kicking up a real fuss about open borders, Third Worldization and the eclipse of the Euro-American majority. Why?

The reason, as Mr. Goldfarb of the BBC explains, is that egomaniac Trump, telling people that a real country has borders. Well damn that: America is not a real country and it's time for those "bitter" white people who "cling to guns or religion," as America's Euro-American majority have been described by their African-American President with an Islamic-Indonesian upbringing, to give up on the stupid idea of refusing to go "gentle into the good night." 

Yep, it's time for Americans to bite the bullet, accept destruction of the Euro-American majority that built the greatest nation on Earth, and open the floodgates to the Third-World. That is what the globalized corporate giants demand: cheap immigrant labor, unrestricted import of goods from the sweatshops of the World, and the Hell with this silly idea of democracy, individual liberty, and free speech — in future the BBC and the other temples of political correctness will tell Americans what to think. 

And if Americans don't like that then, as the BBC clearly believes, they are stinking nativists: or in Guardian-speak, they are far-right wing, extremist, Nazified, racist xenophobes with the contemptible desire to be succeeded in their own country by their own posterity, not by people from elsewhere. What's more the BBC screams in large type, they are PARANOID

Which goes to show what good sense most Americans have, for as Andy Groves, former head of Intel Corporation remarked: "Only the paranoid survive." Let's hope the Germans and the Brits and the French and all the other European nations oppressed by a genocidal conspiracy to erase their identities from the face of the Earth get real paranoid real soon. The Brits could make a start by giving the bums rush to David Cameron, that war-criminal shill for the New World Order, to be replaced by someone who will shutter the BBC, an propaganda agency with an undue tolerance for rapists and paederasts.


Since when is limiting immigration a crime?

Patrich Buchanan: Is the Spectre of Trump Haunting Davos?

Davos Insider Vows Trump Defeat: “It Doesn’t Matter Who the GOP Puts Up, Hillary Will Win”

A Politically Correct Civilization Cannot Stand

A (once) proud Scot apologizes to Donald Trump

Full Extent of Germany Migrant Sex Attacks Revealed – Incidents in 75 Per Cent Of The Country